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- 在Ubuntu上安装 JDK 8
- Linux Mint 上安装 Kali 的工具
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- AUR 入门
- Pwnable.kr Toddler's Bottle writeup
- IOLI crackme Writeup
- HITCON Training Writeup
- pwn HCTF2016 brop
- pwn RHme3 Exploitation
- re Codegate2017 angrybird
- re CSAWCTF2015 wyvern
- ROP Emporium Writeup
- pwn NJCTF2017 pingme
- pwn XDCTF2015 pwn200
- pwn BackdoorCTF2017 Fun-Signals
- pwn GreHackCTF2017 beerfighter
- pwn 0CTF2015 freenote
- pwn DCTF2017 Flex
- pwn 0CTF2017 BabyHeap2017
- re PicoCTF2014 Baleful
- re XHPCTF2017 dont_panic
- pwn 32C3CTF2015 readme
- pwn 34C3CTF2017 SimpleGC
- pwn 34C3CTF2017 readme_revenge
- pwn HITBCTF2018 gundam
- pwn HITCONCTF2016 House_of_Orange
- pwn HCTF2017 babyprintf
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- pwn HITCONCTF2016 Sleepy_Holder
- pwn BCTF2016 bcloud
- pwn 34C3CTF2017 300
- CVE-2017-11543 tcpdump sliplink_print 栈溢出漏洞
- CVE-2015-0235 glibc __nss_hostname_digits_dots 堆溢出漏洞
- CVE-2016-4971 wget 任意文件上传漏洞
- CVE-2017-13089 wget skip_short_body 栈溢出漏洞
- CVE–2018-1000001 glibc realpath 缓冲区下溢漏洞
- CVE-2017-9430 DNSTracer 栈溢出漏洞
- CVE-2018-6323 GNU binutils elf_object_p 整型溢出漏洞
- CVE-2010-2883 Adobe CoolType SING 表栈溢出漏洞
- CVE-2017-11543 tcpdump sliplink_print 栈溢出漏洞
- CVE-2015-0235 glibc __nss_hostname_digits_dots 堆溢出漏洞
- CVE-2017-13089 wget skip_short_body 栈溢出漏洞
- CVE–2018-1000001 glibc realpath 缓冲区下溢漏洞
- CVE-2017-9430 DNSTracer 栈溢出漏洞
- CVE-2018-6323 GNU binutils elf_object_p 整型溢出漏洞
- CVE-2010-2883 Adobe CoolType SING 表栈溢出漏洞
- The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone: Return-into-libc without Function Calls (on the x86)
- Return-Oriented Programming without Returns
- Return-Oriented Rootkits: Bypassing Kernel Code Integrity Protection Mechanisms
- ROPdefender: A Detection Tool to Defend Against Return-Oriented Programming Attacks
- Symbolic Execution for Software Testing: Three Decades Later
- (State of) The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis
- AEG: Automatic Exploit Generation
- Driller: Augmenting Fuzzing Through Selective Symbolic Execution
- Firmalice - Automatic Detection of Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities in Binary Firmware
- The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone: Return-into-libc without Function Calls (on the x86)
- Return-Oriented Programming without Returns
- Return-Oriented Rootkits: Bypassing Kernel Code Integrity Protection Mechanisms
- ROPdefender: A Detection Tool to Defend Against Return-Oriented Programming Attacks
- Symbolic Execution for Software Testing: Three Decades Later
- angr 源码分析
- (State of) The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis
- AEG: Automatic Exploit Generation
- Driller: Augmenting Fuzzing Through Selective Symbolic Execution
- Firmalice - Automatic Detection of Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities in Binary Firmware
- angr 源码分析
- (State of) The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis
- Firmalice - Automatic Detection of Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities in Binary Firmware